Science lesson 65

What you want to achieve, When you want to achieve, What you are willing to sacrifice to achieve it, Do you eat fruit, vegetables, and nuts every day, Do you eat processed foods and lots of sugar?

 I will first answer “Do you eat fruit, vegetables, and nuts every day.” I try to but I have a hard time with it. I will eat banana’s, oranges, apples, etc. I do not like eating vegetables. But I do like nuts. Every once in a while I will eat some processed food as a treat like chips, pizza, tacos, and Chinese food. But are family try’s to stay away. We do not eat a lot of sugar, but maybe a couple cookies every special event. What I would like to achieve is just eating more fruit and veggies. I would like to achieve it within the month. I will sacrifice snacks. My weight is normal, I get enough sleep, I drink enough water, and I workout. I just need to do better with my veggies.

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