
Science lesson 73

Veggies  Vegetables are incredibly beneficial to human health. They contain minerals, vitamins, and enzymes that protect and nourish us. Nonetheless most veggies taste pretty good, but some are just way better.  But one of the healthiest vegetables is kale. It contains a variation of vitamins, including A, C, and K. It also contains calcium and…

Science lesson 65

What you want to achieve, When you want to achieve, What you are willing to sacrifice to achieve it, Do you eat fruit, vegetables, and nuts every day, Do you eat processed foods and lots of sugar?  I will first answer “Do you eat fruit, vegetables, and nuts every day.” I try to but I…

English lesson 30

Using the information you have learned from Wulf and the other Saxons in the book, what was Saxon culture like? Was it different for the wealthy than for the poor? You can use examples from the book to make your points. You can also compare the Saxon way of life with the other cultures in…

Science lesson 72

Raw Or Cooked Vegetables contain essential enzymes for healthy. In essence, enzymes are proteins that cause positive cellular reactions. They form protein cells and are made up of a wide variety of amino acids. Enzymes are abundant in many raw vegetables. Vegetables lose their enzymes when they cook. Certain vegetables require cooking in order to destroy…

Science lesson 71

Write a 150-200 word essay on what you have learned Our bodies are made up of 70% water. We consistently lose water. You should drink eight glasses of water on average each day. Many negative things happen to us when there is not enough water in our bodies. Though I will be discussing the advantages…

Science lesson 70

Write a essay on something you learned this week.  This week, I discovered that a lot of drugs have a strong addictive potential. I also discovered that giving them up can be really difficult. But there is a way to overcome their addictive nature and stop using them. I am aware that even after you…

Science lesson 62

Write a short article on the steps you can take to start getting enough sleep There is many things you can do to get better sleep and fall asleep. One thing you could do is avoid blue light before bed. Blue light from phones, tablets, and computer makes it hard to fall asleep. You can…

History lesson 50

The crusades met with varying degrees of success over time. Some were very successful, while many were terrible failures. Think of a project you have been involved in, or a goal you have set. Describe the project or goal and then answer the following questions: What steps did you take to make sure that project…

History lesson 45

Knighthood First let’s start of with “Knight” was given to a person honored by a king or monarch for a service usually fighting. Originally, knights were mounted solders, and were consider lesser nobles. Eventually, knights simply became honored people, and they were even recognized for great deeds outside the military sometimes. In the middle ages,…


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